You see, if it coud be a simple get in, get what you need, get out, I would have no problem. And really, I ordinarily love to shop, after all, I am a woman, but shopping with my kids is something akin to what I think a root canal would be should I ever have to have one.
I'm not really sure if it's the indifference of my son in all decisions from what kind of back pack to what kind of shoes he wants or if it's the "needing to have the most expensive things out there because everything else is just crap" attitude of my daughter. Really, the difference between the two is like night and day.
Lili is 9 years old and going into 4th grade this year. Why a 9 year old child thinks she needs a $50 back pack and a $25 binder for school is totally beyond me. I just thank God everyday she has to wear uniforms for 2 more years. I'm dreading that battle. Apparently it's also not fair that her brother got brand new tennis shoes for school and she has to wear the Chuck Taylor's she got for her birthday a month and a half ago that she "just had to have" and now are apparently "too old" for school. Are you kidding me? I have shoes older than her that I still wear! Oh and let's not forget all the other "I want... I want... I want..." chants that go on throughout the rest of the day in between shopping for school necessaties. I must have a money tree somewhere in my back yard I'm not aware of.
On the total opposite end of the spectrum is Edward. He's 6 and starting 1st grade. After shopping with the tornado whirlwind that is my daughter, you would think he would be a breeze to shop with. Not so. He will pick one thing and then give no opinion for the rest of the day. Today, we picked out his back pack and after that he didn't care what we bought as long as we had the back pack. Seriously, the kid could be going to school in hot pink, glitter ballerina flats and would probably not care. In fact this brings me to the second part of this blog.
His hair. As part of his vast indifference to pretty much anything, he hasn't had a hair cut in about a year. I haven't really pushed for it too much because well, he looked really cute and I just hate running errands. (I can't wait until I can afford an assisstant one day.) So needless to say his hair was really long. I think I was harboring some secret wish that he would let me play with his hair and fix it like I can't do with Lili's. (She has unfortunately inherited her daddy's baby fine, thin hair where as Edward's is thick and full like mine.) No such luck and since he's been getting mistaken for a little girl a bit too much lately, we decided it needed to be cut. So here is the before:
And here is the same kid an hour later and looking mighty handsome I must say and not at all like a girl:
So new back packs, new tennis shoes and new haircuts aside, although I'm ready for back to school, I'm not quite ready that it signals another year my babies are no longer my babies.
Ah that sounds like a hassle. It took us forever to find our school supplies because the schools request specific brands on a lot of things that you never even end up using, and of course once you get to the store you can't find them. Somehow we managed to get almost all of our school supplies at one store, except for a few things, and a few things never turned out to be quite exactly what the schools wanted. Oh well. Oh, and by the way, I must say Edward's new haircut looks great!
They do that for our list too. I don't understand why they have to have certain brands of pencils. Really, it's a pencil. Thank goodness for that kind of stuff, the school sells a packet that has everything in it. It's a little more expensive (about $5-$10 more) but so worth the convenience of not having to look at umpteen different stores for stuff.
Re your question on my blog ... yup, Catholic School. Dominican '79.
I don't think it's just kids, with the brand-name and indeciveness thing. Husbands can be the same way.
Now to explore your blog ...
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