Saturday, April 07, 2007

I'm Back

Holy cow! I think I've only been away for a week and a half and it's more like a month!

So much has been going on.

I haven't been knitting too much but a couple of weeks ago, Dwayne went into the hospital and had to have emergency surgery. (He's fine now. Nothing too serious.) Anyway, I found out you can get alot of knitting done in the hospital if you are not trying to catch up on sleep from being in the emergency room and surgery unit until 5 am.

I finished another little fichou/shawl with beads like the one I knitted for Lili.
I also finished Lili's socks.
I also finished my Debbie Bliss capelet before Dwayne went into the hospital.
I have about 12 inches of the border done on my lace shawl (you knit the border on one side first, then pick up all the side stitches and knit the panel and then the other border or side. Like 3 long narrow strips)
I have also been working my butt off. I worked 10 days with only one day off and one of those days I worked a double. 10 shifts in 10 days. I'm too old to do that. I'm still exhausted. That and the kids being off of school for spring break, Dwayne going into the hospital the Sunday before the kids went back to school after spring break, I need a break.

I haven't been to the yarn store in 5 weeks! My stash is being sorely depleted by my daughter who has now discovered that, "acrylic yarn sucks. Can I have this green alpaca/wool stuff?" (Incidently the yarn for my Aran sweater.) So now I have to take her to get her own "good" yarn. Great. Now I have to work for my yarn and her yarn.

Although now, I may be able to work this out so that I never have to do laundry or clean the bathroom until she moves out. Hmmm.


Anonymous said...

Oh!! That's horrible that Dwayne was in the hospital!! It's great that he's better now though. Smart idea about the household chores there!

Brittany said...

Thanks!! He's doing great.