I really wanted to single crochet the edges together when I joined the panels to the gusset but I just didn't have enough yarn. Since I bought the last 2 skeins of that color last week, I think the chances of me finding that lot number was pretty slim. I also really wanted to get it done.
I did happen to find some calico solid that was the same exact color as the yarn.
It took me all of fifteen minutes to trace the pannels and gusset, cut it out, and run it up on the machine. I then used a similar color upolstry thread to sew it in. I absolutely love it and I think I may make another one in black or denim, not sure yet.
Still working on sock number 2 in a green and blue colorway by Schaffer (Anne). I to frog my lace shawl so I think I may start that again and maybe put in some lifelines this time just in case. I may have to put the FLAK on hold for a while since we've been having 80 degree weather everyday this week. I want some summer things.
I did by some funky multi-color yarns I'm thinking of turning into something wrap like for the beach with beads for Lili and I. We went to Hobby Lobby and bought some funky plastic beads to go with. I may start that instead although I think this yarn may have to be worked on sparingly as it looks headache producing.
BTW, saw Bridge to Teribithia today. Great movie but wouldn't recommend it for under 7 or so and definitely not for kids who get very emotional during sad stuff. Can't say more without giving it away but just use discretion. Lili cried for 30 minutes. I mean BooHoo sobbed. She takes after me what can I say.
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