Monday, November 13, 2006


Well, finally, I had a good day. My lawyer called me this morning to let me know that an insurance settlement that I've been waiting on since March was finally ready. I was able to go buy a new laptop (woohoo!!) today and I'll be going Wednesday to buy the kids some new beds. I'm so happy.

On a crappy note, I have to bring my car in tomorrow to get the power steering fixed but at least I have the money to actually get it fixed. I'll get to stay home all day and play on my new toy and transfer everything from my desktop to my new laptop though. No knitting tomorrow.

I did finish some mittens that I was working on for Lili. I haven't started Edwards yet but I will this week probably.

I have half of one sleeve left on my ballerina sweater. then just the ties left and then blocking and finishing.

I'm starting my mom's wrap after I finish my sweater. I don't have the yarn anywear close or I would tell you what it was. Some kind of mohair blend.

Then when I'm finished all that, I'm starting on my Aran sweater. It'll be my first and I'm really excited.

Okay, it's 11:45 pm here and my kids are still awake. Off to kill them to make them be quiet.

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